Herbs and Resins
Dragons Blood Resin
£6.50Wonky Witches Store cupboardDragons blood resinA wonderfully versatile resin but is expensive (sorry we have no choice!) and becoming hard to get hold of now! It has long been revered for its magical potency. In accordance with the doctrine of signatures it was used as a substitute for blood and thought to possess some of the same qualities. Its protective powers were thought to make heroes i..
Frankincense Resin
£3.00Wonky Witches Store cupboardFrankincense ResinSuccessful ventures, cleansing, purification. Burn for protective work, consecration, and meditation. Used as an offering at Beltane, Lammas, and Yule. Use in rituals and magick associated with self-will, self-control, or the ego. Represents the ability of the divine to move into manifestation. Add to charm bags and sachets to bring success. Also ..
Goddess Pouch
£7.50Handmade in Wonky HQ!!These herb pouches are handcrafted using specific herbs for each individual purpose and finished off with a charm. Created with magick. These pouches are for you to carry with you or place on your altar.The goddess charm represents feminine energy and mystery. Also known as the Triple goddess consisting of the 3 phases of womanhood Maiden, Mother & Crone.The handcrafted h..
House Protection Kit
£6.99Wonky Hoodoo range Handmade with Magick in Wonky Hq. Made to a traditional recipe with a wonky twist.This house protection kit is for you to place 1 of each the small glass jars in the corner of a particular room or on the corners of your property boundaries. It is to add another level of protection to your and adsorb the negativity that can accumulate. This will work really nicely addit..
Job's Tears
£7.99Wonky Hoodoo range Handmade with Magick in Wonky Hq.Job's tears are the pearly seeds of an Asiatic grass. Their name refers to Job in the Bible, who was sorely afflicted but never lost his faith.Use Job's tears to attract love, for protection, for spiritual growth, to find or better your employment, to enhance psychic awareness, for good health and powerful healing. It is said that ..
Litha Pouch
£7.50Handmade in Wonky HQ!!These herb pouches are handcrafted using specific herbs for each individual purpose and finished off with a charm. Created with magick. These pouches are for you to carry with you or place on your altar.Litha/Summer Solstice - 21st June The sun stands still for 3 days at its height in the northern sky making it the longest day. The Sun charm represents the ligh..